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Kari Veastad Logo

My World

by Kari Veastad © All Rights Reserved



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Original, Small Giclee, Medium Giclee, Large Giclee

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My World

“Take your time and see this image on your unique way.

What do you see?

What is talking to you?

A small child who is only concerned with his immediate needs and is happy when they are fulfilled, A mother who loves her child but dreams of another life and only half-heartedly present and concerned with much else, nice shoes, the city, A man who is preoccupied with his own tasks. Everyone lives in their own worlds and is preoccupied with their own chores … That was then but how is it now. Where are you in your life to day? Your experience is completely unique and can be different from mine. What if you try to find out if the picture can tell you something today.

*How much does childhood play a role and affect our adult life?
*How much are we affected by relationships and surroundings at any given time?
*How much of my experience is affected by my personality “”my real self””?
*How much do I manage to capture from impressions when the focus I have “”here and now”” determines what I see?
*How can we know what others need when we see it from our own short point of view here and now or from our own experiences, desires and needs.
*What happens when we clean up our own lives and look for our own unique longing / diamond?
“”He who seeks he finds””

Participation in the artbook – ARTuniversal – the great encyclopedia of international art 2020, Italy Participation in; M.A.D.S_ MATER «Reconditis Oedipus», Milano, Italy 13-27.11 2020″

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