Kari Veastad Logo
Kari Veastad Logo


by Kari Veastad © All Rights Reserved



Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Available in

Original, Small Giclee, Medium Giclee, Large Giclee

All shipping cost will be included. We are currently shipping only to Norway, if you want to buy outside of Norway please contact me and I will gladly give you the shipping costs.


Take your time and see this image on your unique way.
What do you see?
What is talking to you?
A big head,( do you see the complexitye?) and start on a body with different landscapes, reminds me of our unique brain and amazing body that is connected and has so much to tell us if we are curious enough …. those who stand outside can be curious on oneself and others. How much can we really learn and understand from an infinite sea of unconsciousness. Do you know how is it possible to do a small attempt can get a bit of a greater awareness for us self and others.

  • Participations in ArtTourInternational Magaziene «ARTYA» november 2019
  • Participation in; M.A.D.S_ MATER «Reconditis Oedipus» 13-27.11 2020

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